Welcome to MedAsianLife.com
The MedAsian lifestyle is for people who want to live healthier, have a better diet, but don’t want to sacrifice their happiness. We take a common sense approach to food and exercise that isn’t focused on denial or guilt like so many other diets. Our idea is that you can eat well, live well, and maintain a healthy weight – all without sacrificing the foods that give you pleasure.
The MedAsian lifestyle is based on two of the world’s healthiest cultures: Asian and Mediterranean. People in these cultures tend to live long and healthy lives, but still eat amazing and delicious foods. However, people in these cultures are never “dieting” as we think of it in the United States. They simply live a healthier lifestyle that allows them to enjoy food without shame.
While we are not dieticians and make no promises about whether or not this will work for you. This is simply something that we have been doing and have found works wonderfully for us, and we thought we would share.
The MedAsian Lifestyle is:
- Easy to maintain. We think the main reason diets fail is because they feel like punishment. While our lifestyle has guidelines, they are not so strict that you make yourself miserable.
- Delicious. There are a ton of food options from numerous food cultures, so there is always something new and interesting to try.
The MedAsian Lifestyle is not:
- A quick fix. We do not promise to change your life overnight. It will take a while to transition you into living a healthier lifestyle.
- Based on guilt, shame, or denial. We don’t think that making yourself miserable is good for your physical or mental health.
Sounds interesting? Learn about our philosophy!