Today my routine has been changed. I got the job I interviewed for, and today I have to go to a health screening. I still had my glass of ice water, but I had to have a quick breakfast of cheerios. When I got back home I completed my 10 minute exercise routine while my coffee brewed. One thing I have learned is that obstacles may come up and you have to alter your exercise routine. If you can’t fit walking or exercising in one day that is OK. I won’t do my AM walk but I am not worried, because I allow myself one day during the week where I can skip it and I’ll be fine.
For lunch I am having a Lean Cuisine (Asparagus and Cheese Ravioli filled with ricotta and parmesan cheese in a roasted red pepper sauce with yellow carrots and asparagus), green grapes, yogurt (since I didn’t eat it for breakfast),and a glass of water.
For my afternoon snack I had ½ cup of cottage cheese with an orange and a few mixed nuts.
For dinner We had homemade Thai Curry ( onion, bell pepper, lemongrass,kaffir lime leaf, ginger, Thai basil, coconut milk, chicken broth, shrimp, and cod) with jasmine rice, a pear, and for dessert a coconut chocolate chip cookie. After dinner we walked for about 35 minutes which was about 1.6 miles. For my 9 pm snack I had a tablespoon of peanut butter.