Week One of my my Third month started Sunday March 4th. I weighed in at 139.6. I had lost 1.6 pounds!I am so happy that I was under 140 pounds and that I did it on my own. This week I started yoga. I found a website that I really like called doyouyoga.com. The site is easy to navigate and offers so much. It offers free programs of exercise and also a membership for more programs for a slight fee. I am not a fan of exercise but the programs offer 10 minutes a day of yoga and that is great for me. I have been waking up at 7:15 and getting my yoga on! Some days I will do two 10 minute programs in the morning if I am not walking that day. After yoga I will meditate for 5 minutes. I have found that I have so much energy and that I am much more motivated to get things done. That is also a goal for me, to be motivated and get moving and to stop being lazy.
Week Two (March 11th) I weighed in at 139.8, no weight loss BUT no weight gain either. To me that means I am learning how to maintain my weight. I am disappointed in myself this week for a totally different reason. It was my time of the month and I let it stop me from exercising. I did not let myself feel guilty. I will no longer feel guilty about my decisions concerning eating or exercising. This week did have one positive about it. I have decided that I will control myself during my period and not let my period control me. Looking forward to next week and getting back on track!
Week Three (March 18th) I weighed in at 140.2. Technically I didn’t gain a pound, but I am back in the 140’s. I haven’t changed my routine, still doing yoga and walking. I’m keeping my portions small and no second helpings. I am planning healthy snacks for work so I don’t snack on candy bars.
Week Four ( March 25th) I weighed in at 139.4. Again out of the 140 range. Hopefully this time I can keep it there! Again no changes from routine. Still doing yoga and walking, and keeping portions small, and planning snacks.
So far this month has been pretty boring I bet you are thinking. I have learned that I can eat smaller portions, I don’t need something sweet and covered in chocolate for snacks, and that I can do some form of exercising everyday.