Today is day eight and the start of week two. After this week I will take my measurements. When I look in the mirror I can see a difference in my body and my clothes are feeling less constricting. I woke up and had a glass of ice water, then completed my 10 minute exercise routine. Justin and I had breakfast which was potato pancakes (four small ones) topped with sour cream, and lingonberry jam, two cups of coffee, and a small glass of orange juice. After breakfast we took a 30 minute walk which equaled to a little over one mile.
For lunch I had leftover Chinese food from Friday night, an orange, banana, and a glass of water. For my 4 pm snack I made roasted chickpeas.
For dinner we had homemade smoked BBQ pork, baked beans, a vinegar based cole slaw, green beans, and a glass of water. After dinner we walked for about 20 minutes which was a little bit over a mile. In total today I have walked 2.4 miles.
For snack I had made a homemade Blueberry Galette. I must admit I had two pieces with heavy cream!!